Welcome to our store!

We grow and  we harvest the best fruits of our citrus grove for you!
From the tree to your table in record time !
Delight your palate with the typical products of our region,
carefully selected by us to never let you
miss the scent of Sicily!


Direct sales from the producer to the consumer of the best Sicilian oranges. Collected by hand and shipped to your home, thus avoiding the expensive and lengthy processes of large-scale fruit distribution.


Collected and shipped the same day, our fruits retain their excellent organoleptic properties, taste and vitamins, ensuring freshness and authenticity. You can stock it, because they are kept for up to 4 weeks!


All orders are shipped with express shipping with delivery in 3/4 days.


Our fruits do not undergo chemical interventions that alter their ripeness or any peel treatment. The result is a 100% natural and healthy product.
Featured products

9kg Tarocco Bellino Large size

9kg crate of Tarocco "Bellino" oranges, large size, suitable for table consumption.
$36.05 incl tax $30.23 incl tax
equates to $3.70 per 1 kg

9kg Sicilian Lemons

9kg Sicilian Lemons crate
$26.16 incl tax $19.77 incl tax
equates to $2.55 per 1 kg

18kg Clementino Nova

Confezione composta da due cassette da 9kg cad. di agrume Clementino Nova.
$48.26 incl tax
equates to $3.12 per 1 kg

PROMO 27kg Tarocco Bellino calibro Misto

SPEDIZIONE SEPARATA: Acquistando questo prodotto in promozione, qualora si vogliano aggiungere altri prodotti all'ordine, sarà necessario raggiungere nuovamente i 18kg per ottenere la spedizione gratuita /// Confezione composta da 3 cassette da 9kg cad. di arance Tarocco calibro Misto.
$62.79 incl tax $58.14 incl tax
equates to $2.50 per 1 kg

27kg Tarocco Bellino da Spremuta

SPEDIZIONE SEPARATA: Acquistando questo prodotto in promozione esclusiva, qualora si vogliano aggiungere anche altri prodotti allo stesso ordine, sarà necessario raggiungere nuovamente i 18kg (27+18) per ottenere la spedizione totale gratuita
Confezione composta da 3 cassette da 9kg cad. di arance Tarocco calibro piccolo da Spremuta.
$52.33 incl tax
equates to $2.25 per 1 kg

Frutta Martorana 350g

La dolcezza e la maestria della pasticceria Siciliana
INGREDIENTI: zucchero, mandorle (20%), sciroppo di glucosio, miele, acqua, stabilizzante sorbitolo E420.
$17.44 incl tax $13.95 incl tax

Biscotti "Paste di Mandorla" all'Arancia 500g

$13.37 incl tax

Promotion Tarocco Bellino 18kg

Pack of 18kg composed of two 9kg Medium size "Tarocco Bellino"oranges crates and a 9kg "Tarocco Bellino" oranges Small size crate. Product in promotion with shipping costs included. By adding other products to the same order the weight of this product will be counted as "Zero Kg".
$47.67 incl tax $43.02 incl tax
equates to $2.78 per 1 kg

Avocado HASS coltivato in Sicilia 4kg

Cassettina composta da 4 kg di Avocado coltivato in Sicilia varietà HASS. Coltivati ai piedi dell'Etna, in Sicilia. Per organizzare meglio la raccolta e garantire la freschezza del prodotto, gli ordini contenenti avocado verranno spediti ogni Lunedì.
$34.88 incl tax $23.26 incl tax
equates to $6.76 per 1 kg

4 kg Pink grapefruit

4 kg Pink grapefruit small crate
$13.95 incl tax
equates to $4.06 per 1 kg